Last democrat I voted for president was Jimmy Carter. Just could not vote trump so I abstained. I would vote for Nikki Haley over Biden or Harris. There are some moderate democrats I would vote for, but they have zero chance of running/winning. So maybe I am one of those Republican moderates, tho I consider myself independent.
As perhaps one of the 51%, I absolutely believe we are not doing enough to help Ukraine.
Ammunition production should be on complete war time activation ( I used to live within a mile of a US ammunition plant… it has expanded production… but nowhere near enough).
Long range missiles should have been delivered months ago.
Way too few Bradley’s have been delivered, etc.
And, even with a family member recently returned from Syria, I believe “f*ck russia redlines!” We should be talking OUR redlines, when we give Ukraine everything they want. Including direct support on the ground.